Friday, 5 June 2009


DJ Needles starting up right now, i hope you kids are all hopped up and ready to go now because the looong weekend has powered it's way through and is just beginning.

recommended listening: Pictures of You - The Cure

i hope you've all got something to do, and yes sitting home playing TF2 for three days straight does count in my books. This is one good reason to stay as a part of the British Empire, long weekends, if we became a republic we'd have to come up with new names for them and we'd probably end up with vegimite/Kevin Rudd/Beer monday or something gay like that, so you know, as long as we stay 'British' we keep our dignity.

Well, i have something on each day this weekend and next, but i won't go into detail cause that would just bore you. So instead i'm here to talk to you about, well... whatever comes to my mind

Our first batch of Grange Leaders came back today, dutily mortified from the little 'uns but still thankful for the oppertunity to get away from it all...
DJ Jwol was one of these leaders, so you know, yay...

Not much else has happened this week really, the HD is going around (should be posted about by a DJ soon), Alex Newman and Alex Campbell broke up, more Exam results are coming back, general life happenings and such...

Ooh, and apparently I am "like the entire freaking blog my friend", so please do some more posting DJ's, this is meant to be a 'community' effort...

Deimos has had a name change to Valkyrie, after a discovery that Deimos Rising is apparently the name of a mac video game, the beta rules have been set, i'm helping DJ Trigon with preliminary games testing this weekend, it's all coming together very nicely

well, i'm sorry for the lack of post and structure, but i'm just quite nervous about tomorrow...

This is DJ Neeldes signing out, ready to go now...


Well the kids are all hopped up and ready to go
They're ready to go now
They've got their surfboards
And they're going to the discotheque a go go
But she just couldn't stay
She had to break away
Well New York City really has it all
Oh yeah, oh yeah

1 comment:

  1. Sire
    the Adorability metre is going off the charts
    what action should we take?
