Thursday, 18 June 2009


I have been asked to post, so here it is, a post.

Listen to this: On The Floor, Spitalfield.

My first list item today is a game, a reasonably old one, called Homeworld 2.
My initial assessment of the game: Well, you can move units in 3d, it might be cool.

And that really is the big thing going for it. It's actually really cool. When you click to move a unit, it comes up with a disc representing the current plane of the unit, and you hold a key to move the move target on the vertical axis. It has hyperspace jumps inside multiplayer games, which is pretty awesome too, you can jump the enemy and launch 25 bombers at their mothership.

Actually, don't use bombers. They get eaten up. The game is rather simplistic at first look actually, with only 4 classes: Fighter, Corvette, Frigate and Capital. But when you get down to it, it rises above the one problem I have had with pretty much all other RTS games I have played: It does not have identical units for both sides. In other games you get your basic infantry, your anti-infantry, your anti-tank infantry, etc. etc. In this game, it is different. There is a loose classification, but different units fill the slots. The Vagyr have an extra anti-capital Lance Fighter, and a couple of extra corvettes. The Hiigarans, on the other hand, have a larger frigate selection to choose from, some of which kick ass if I may say so.

Unfortunately, the best frigates in the universe won't really help when I jump 14 of the biggest combat ships in the game within spitting distance (this is a space battle, remember, so that's a VERY small distance) of your mothership and right-click...

Then sit back and watch the orange, bright, explosmy fireworks.

That's all I have to say on that. My next item, as it stands, is the Year 10 Play.

You should all be coming to see it. It's pure overstated slapstick genius in a can, except not in a can.

And there's very little to say about that either... Without ruining anything, that is.

Just come and see it.

This sentence marks the third consecutive day that I have been writing this post for. I really don't have much time at the moment.

A couple of pieces of perhaps (or perhaps not) interesting information for everyone:
The lack of Valkyrie updates is because I am now testing it heavily. And I think it's going well.

Hmmmm, is there anything else I can say? I don't think so.

Apart from the unnecessary point that my father is here for the first time this year from America, and that's why I've had a couple of days off school. And why I'm constantly ignoring you on MSN :D

That post took 4 days to write. And it still tells you nothing...



It's a matter of time
Before we all run out
When I thought he was mine
She caught him by the mouth

I waited eight long months
She finally set him free
I told him I can't lie
He was the only one for me

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