Sunday, 14 June 2009


Whats happening Listners, this is DJ Sunrise comin' at cha
Guest DJ'ing in this fine establishment while taking a "break" from the accusing eyes surrounding my usual blog:

So, while Im here. Let me just say, its a fine thing, what we have got here.
Even in an apperent "slow period" the fans of NSR are still given a good dose of bloggy goodness each week... or there abouts

So its on this note that I bring you my own addition to this long line of greatness:
an original post by Sean Madden.
Something that for one reason or another doesnt come along too often these days. so just sit back, relax and let me try to do a legitimate post... god knows its been a while... do I still even know how?

Wellsies, tonight, my beef is aimed at one word. One concept:
Conformity is ladies and gentlemen one of the 7 over used words of the 21st century. (dont ask me for all 7, its just a good round even number)

People are always using this magic concept as a basis not to do something, or to do something.
And occasionly its even used as an insult. I hate it when this happens, it sounds like: "Damn you, you suck for having a human urge to connect with the rest of society"

Not only this, but the word "conformist" just uttered immediately makes one sound like a douchebag. And thats a fact. Stop to think, "who do I know that uses this as an insult or really uses this at all?"
I think you'll find that its all the tools, emos and potheads that you know... considering the readers of this blog are High schooler's... thats alot of people.

Thats really all I got. You see, even though I blog alot, I am yet to perfect the art of drawing attention and talking a lot about something I dont have a lot of points on... hopefully this will improve over time, though it has been a year.

Not a long post, yes, but im on a bit of a deadline you see.
Soo, DJ Sunrise oot!

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