FINE READERS, I come before you as a humble DJ but my words could not be for a mightier cause, in the context of this blog.
Recommended Listening: All Along the Watchtower, there are many versions all are great.
The Admin of this great blog we h--e is DJ Needl--, he has decided that because he is sick of the blog, we are all sick of the blog. As is seen by his most recent announcement, he is waiting until Thursday Afternoon to fully delete the blog. He believes this to be the end of NSR as do many of you and to an extent, this is the truth. I hear your cries as to what my meaning is, but although it is no master stro-- of genius, I have archived every single p-st of this blog. As I said, this is no blow to the Admin, but it is a--tart. From the death of this Blog s--ll arise new bl-gs, the DJ's will go on ---haps to other bl-gs, but no more will NSR be. I have accepted the death of the blog, but that does not mean you have to. We installed a Talk-Box for a reason, so you can talk. So gentle readers I urge.. no compell you to voice your opinion in the T--k-Box, show Nee--es that his judgement is clouded by emotions rather than us--g reasoning. The Blog as we know it, is in his hands, but I expect y-- all to make -ne hell of a rau--us before Thurs--y afterno-- comes. Rage, Ra-e against the D--ing of the Light, R--- Rage Against the Dy--g of --- Blo---
At Midni--- all the Agents
And Superhu--n Crew
Go -ut and round -p
Eve---ne who knows more
Than th-- do
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