Wednesday 24 June 2009

TRT -RO--CAS-_05 [ T-E -AST P-ST ]

[Note: A signal booster has been set up to bring you this message free of static.]

This, gentlemen, ladies, is my last post.

I have had fun with NSR, and while I do not agree with the decision of DJ Needles, it is his decision to make, and I respect and agree with Nathan's choice to end the blog like this instead of just letting it fade and die slowly and painfully.

Thus, this is my last broadcast to you all... and it was a good crowd. A reasonable number of you actually watch this blog, which I'm pleased by, and the 2400 hits we've got in less than a term is also somewhat testament to what we have done.

So I am James Telfer, WebDisc Jockey Trigon and Tech Blogger, signing out for good. There's no next post this time.

Thankyou all for your support, comments and talk for the duration.

I will still be here
As long as you hold me
In your memory

When your dreams have ended
Time can be transcended
Just remember me

I am the one star that keeps burning so brightly
It is the last light to fade into the rising sun
I’m with you whenever you tell my story
For I am all I’ve done

I will still be here
As long as you hold me
In your memory,
remember me

[Warning. Signal loss occurring. Compensating now]

I am that warm voice in the cold wind that whispers
And if you listen you’ll hear me call across the sky
As long as I still can reach out and touch you
Then I will never die

I’ll never leave you
If you will only
Remember me
(Remember me)

[Static increasing. Booster unable to compensate, signal losing strength]

I will still be here
As lon- as you ho-d me
In y-ur me-ory

When your dreams have --ded
---e can be trans---ded
I l--e for--er
Re---ber me…
Rem----- me…
-e-e-b-r m-.-.

[Signal interrupted, carrier error. Check transmission station, may have lost power.]

Remember me.

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