To finish the bottle full of empty dreams
Punch strong head that was straight out of line
Another excuse with no alibi
Hitching on the road of decline
With no name streets and no vital signs
I pissed away the best of me and
No one can help me!
"--u-s wo--- c--nge--ou, Re-igion -o--t ch---e --u, ----nce wo--- c--ng---u, Lo--s --ke ------ -han-- y----------------------
Good evening loyal fans and whatnot, pull up a chair and get comfy because it's not going to be a very long post tonight.
Recommended Listening: "Do Me A Favour", Arctic Monkeys
Well as most of you should've figured out, it's bloody hard to review things when I'm aiming to please an audience but all I get is MY input for what I should review.
This means as of NOW, I am opening up the Shiny New Talk Box, Needles has so kindly put in, for requests for a review. It can be anything , songs, games, movies, albums, books, even shops or places. Keep in mind I do have a life outside of this and any request on a Game I haven't played or a Book I haven't read will be a long time coming, so don't get your hopes up that I'm going to review Angels and Demons :The Book:The Video Game: etc.
Also slight social update
Alec is a complete douche
Immy is a manipulative bitch
And I have made a vow to not weigh people down with my problems
Thankyou all and Good Morning?
DJ Jwol Out
I, Don't love you
I'm Just passing the Time
You could love me if I knew how to lie
But, who could love me I'm out of my mind?
Throwing a line out to sea...
Morning All
It's DJ Jwol Back and I hope you've got your water bottles ready
Sit down, get nice and comfy, and listen to the warm. Because I've got a Review comin' atcha.
Recommended Listening: "Endlessly, She Said" A.F.I
Today I was sick. So the natural thing to do was to find an album that had been lost for a good 5 years or so.
I found it.
The album I'm speaking of is "Origin" by Evanescence. Their very first album ever, although not their very first CD. I downloaded it expecting a CD with a few good songs by Evanescence. What i got was , Pure Amazing-ness. The whole album literally brought tears to my eyes. I loved it.It's hard for me to express the sheer amazing-ness of this album without being there to listen to it with you. So, gentle reader download it, it is barely 50mb from a torrent and unless you have been completley ignoring Prodigal, then it should be really easy for you.If you are borderline retarted and aren't listening to the guy who is telling you how to get music for free, then I pity you, for you are a lost soul.
Short Review I know and I'm sorry
An awful lots going on...well for me at least maybe Needles will talk about it.
Off to go cough up half a lung
DJ Jwol Out
She's a Brick
And I'm drowning Slowly.....
Off the Coast
And I'm going Nowhere....
Come break me down
Marry me, bury me
I am finished with you
What if I wanted to fight
Beg for the rest of my life
What would you do?
Tonight i will be your correspondant to the pure injection of awsomness mixed with a little sexual tension that was "The Living End" Live at the Entertainment Centre, featuring "Tame Impala" and "Gyroscope". The concert started as many do, the lights slightly dimmed as the band that not many people had heard of played there very alternative music, this was of course Tame Impala and i do recommend them if your into the vines and other bands of the like, but in all honesty they were great but need to be a little more "in the moment", i almost felt i was just watching a rehearsal. After Tame Impala, Gyroscope came out, and believe me you could've thought that they were the main act, by the way that they carried on, but for good reason because i absolouly loved them in all honesty they were fantastic. They even had the whole crowd moshing to "Beds are Burning" originally by "Midnight Oil" which i myself was suprised at, hating that song or at least the original, bloody fucking peter garret CHOOSE ONE OCCUPATION AND STICK WITH IT!
Gyroscope was amazing, but they were nothing when "The Living End" came out, from then on in it was non-stop amazing ness,if you happen to like what ive dubbed "Australemo" its sort of like emo music, but with that, getting smashed on bottles of "VB" and being loud and crash that makes up a lot of australian culture. I really keep getting distracted don't I? Well i was on the floor, so for most of the concert I was doing things that outside of a mosh pit, would be called sexual assault, that is rubbign up against a stranger from behind, but don't worry, everyone was doing it. So, the music, well "The Living End" played a lot of the songs from their new album but that was to be expected and to be honest, I payed $60 for this concert and by the time they'd started to play their new stuff I'd already felt lkike i got my moneys worth and anything more was just a bonus.4 prominant songs stood out that really sent the crowd off and they were, "Prisoner of Society" which got the whole crowd chanting the chorus. "White Noise" which had the entire crowd singing the whole song. "Wake up" had the whole crowd swaying in time with the song and I must say it was an incredible sight. Last but in no way least "West End Riot" which is probobly their best song of all time, when that started the crowd went wild and it was amazing they made it last for about 7 minutes and it was in those last 7 minutes that i finally lost most of my voice.
Well thats all i have to say
Also you say my name "DeeJay Jaywall"
Just incase you were saying it some how else
DJ Jwol Out
Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights
Oh, how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light
Don't you see their bodies burning
Desolate and full of yearning Dying of anticipation
Choking from intoxication
Well hallo thar
Recommended Listening:Country Yard, The Vines
To all you people who are yet to know me, I am the DJ Jwol, and this is my broadcast Spice of Life. My part of the office we have going here is to review anything i really feel like so you can know my opinion on things and such, just in case you asked. Today i will be reviewing MCR or as i like to call this "MCR, A Retrospective". Now as hardly any of you know, MCR had two albums before the incredibly popular but horribly terrible album "The Black Parade". These were "I Brought you my bullets, you brought me your love" and "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" now when i say these two albums were post punk gold, would be an understatement, they are two of my most favouritest albums ever. From "Honey this mirror isnt big enough for the both of us" to "i never told you what i do for a living" I Loved all of it. Now there is a story in these albums all good albums have some sort of story or a basis. The Story is even continuous. The first albums story is a Bonnie and Clydesque story to massivley quote Wikipedia but i cant phrase it any other way now the main thing is robbing places killing people and visiting Monroeville. By the end of the album things go awry and the girl and guy in the story die, but the guy only goes to purgatory for some reason.
Everyone "Awww" Now
The Next album follows on after this but its a little more fantastical than the last. The man makes a deal with the devil to get his sweathearts soul back from the black abyss agrees to take the souls of 1000 evil men in order for her to leave hell. The rest of the album's songs are about certain killings in this 1000 man killing spree, the last few songs are about how she comes back and in a Romeo and Juliet style he starts to die because that was a part of the deal, she is appalled and then proceeds to commit suicide, Hence the name, "Cemetary Drive" the 12th track and second last song on the album.
Now to the horrible ness that was "The Black Parade" was just such a kick in the face for MCR fans because it was just so.... MAINSTREAM. The song Black parade sucked and only one song on that actual album is worth listening to or maybe two "House of Wolves" and "This is How i Dissapear" good songs btw.And thats about it.
Well that was my post for now i hope you enjoyed it because ive got plenty more things im rather outspoken to. This is DJ Jwol signing out for now nd remember listeners, we need more feedback, off to go rip on Christianity a bit more
DJ Jwol Out
Your minds are open wide
The V-chip gives them sight
To all the life running through her hair
The Spiders all in tune
The storming of Poor June
All the Life running
Through her hair...
Good afternoon, faithful readers, this is Trigon, back with more insight.
Oh, I recommend Two Weeks by All That Remains. It's a little heavy but good nonetheless. Should this prove problematic, it can be found on Tap Tap Revenge 2 on Hard - I shall save the iTouch/iPhone and associated apps for another time.
Today, I'm going to be discussing Social Networking sites - well actually, just Facebook. Because MySpace is defunct (sorry if I offend), and while I believe Twitter is good, I have not yet experienced it.
As some of you know (or may even have been directed from there) I have set up a Facebook 'Page' for NSR. I was observing the amount of users gained over time, and I noticed several things. Because of the time of night, my posting of NSR flew off the bottom of the news feed. The only people who became fans were those who knew I was creating it.
So the NSR Page pottered along until slightly later, when our steady trickle of fans led to us being featured in the 'Highlights' column. Now this may not sound groundbreaking, but I am sure that this featuring led to an increase of at least 4-5 people out of our total fans. Because of the nature of the Page and it's picture, it would be hard to justify (well, to people of our maturity - more on that later) simply becoming a fan just because someone else did. I find it interesting that such an increase came simply from being the bottom square on the highlights column for about 10 minutes. Even then, that was only the people that the fans know. If I had chosen to design and submit an advert, the number would have probably been even greater.
However, there exist people, 3 of them actually, who have most likely never even been to the fan page, and certainly will not read this post. Yes, it appears year 7 girls lack the maturity to distinguish between something that they want to be fans of and something their friends want to be fans of... If you are reading this, accept my profuse apologies, and tell me so I don't remove you off the fans list later.
Listen to some good music while I go and read it.
This monkey belongs to you. His name is Snap. Imagine a personality for Snap.
How sad would you be if Snap died?
Now imagine you have two monkeys. Their names are up to you.
How many monkeys do you think you could have before you start forgetting them?
Before Snap's personality was lost in an endless sea of monkey face?
Before one of them could die without you caring?
I wonder if the trash man is grumpy today?
How is the guy in that house getting on with his wife?
Something in you, just now, probably was offended by that. You think there's an effort to build sympathy for the murderous f**k. Isn't it strange how simply knowing random human facts about him immediately tugs at your sympathy strings? He comes closer to your sphere, he takes on dimension."
Oh, and just not to disappoint, the estimated number for humans is 150. Which is probably us being egotistical and it's more like 75.
DJ Trigon.
And still you feel like the loneliness
Is better replaced by this
I don't believe it this way
And I can see the fear in your eyes
I've seen it materialise
Growing stronger each day
Don't you see their bodies burning Desolate and full of yearning Dying of anticipation Choking from intoxication