Saturday, 30 May 2009


As some of you may have heard, DJ Needles and I have decided to write a game.

Listening: Runaway - Artist vs. Poet.

Deimos is a space-based miniature wargame designed on the principle of personalisation in your fleet and as such there are very few template units to choose from (think 2 per ship class). Comprehensive design rules allow the creation of very personal fleets tailored exactly to your play style. This customisation factor allows every battle to be different, No tactic will ever stand because there is always an opponent who has the set-up to beat it. This means that the game has a very high replay value.

There are 2 types of single ship, fighters and bombers. 5 Medium ships, Escorts, Corvettes, Gunships, Hunters and Frigates, battle each other but only harass the bigger ships. Destroyers, Carriers, Cruisers, Battleships and Sunships are between 20 and 40cm long on the board, with batteries of hard-hitting, powerful weapons that flare across the void.

The weapons also allow for a degree of tactics that is not usually present in wargames. Space would not give weapons a maximum range, so any weapon can be fired across the board, including dumb-fire weapons (or straight-line). The enemy can either move out of the way or take the blow across his line. 2 missile types, Orion and Tempest, speed away from the ships, accelerating quickly and causing untold destruction across the enemy line unless intercepted by fighters, drone defences or escorts. Beam and Lance weapons are the more powerful, capital ship only weapons, with lances being a single, very powerful shot and beams being multiple but less powerful shots not quite adding up to the same damage. The final weapon is an EMP generator which can disable 3 targets in any line it can fire on.

Except for the Hunter cannon. One of the most devastating weapons that any army can deploy, the Hunter cannon takes 10 turns to charge, making the hunter a nice target for the bigger ships to blow out of the (metaphorical) water. If you allow it to charge, however, it can take out a battleship. Single shot.

Deimos is shaping up very nicely. Any design ideas are welcomed. Please comment, stuff gets pushed off the bottom of the talk box and we'll miss it.

DJ Trigon, going back to my rules-writing.


Last call for regret and defeat
To finish the bottle full of empty dreams
Punch strong head that was straight out of line
Another excuse with no alibi
Hitching on the road of decline
With no name streets and no vital signs
I pissed away the best of me and
No one can help me!

Monday, 25 May 2009


DJ Needles back on the box with another post to start this glorious weekend off to a smooth start...

recommeneded listening:OMD

well exams are finally over, and i'm pretty sure everyone has something planned for the weekend. There's not much too talk about really, and i don't feel like waffling on, but i'll try my best...

Alec and Aria have broken up, but the feeling's still 'mutual' whatever that means. This has lead to the usual people hating other people for the break-up and such what-not.

well there's not much else to talk about, so i'll go into some slightly controversial territory, music ownership:

i'm not talking about downloading or purchasing, i'm talking about what you listen to and how you feel about other people listening to that music.

personally i won't take offence if other people begin delving into my musical tastes, i see it as a good thing, gives you something to talk about,it tells you a bit about that person, gives you something you can both relate to.
Music brings people together, but some individuals use it as an oppertunity to cause seperation, they try to shoo people away from 'their' bands, 'their' music, and put people down when they do get start listening. This ownership of music really gets to me, nothing has given you *MASSIVE HEAD-DESK*, oww....

okay, that really had nothing to do with the blog, but it did have it's reasons...

well the message of that interrupted paragraph was trying to stop people thinking muic is their own, it doesn't help anyone...

ending post now, this is DJ Needles signing out, getting dizzy, hurrying up
stay safe people


Enola gay, it shouldnt ever have to end this way
Aha enola gay, it shouldnt fade in our dreams away

Its 8:15, and thats the time that its always been
We got your message on the radio, conditions normal and youre coming home

Enola gay, is mother proud of little boy today
Aha this kiss you give, its never ever gonna fade away

Friday, 22 May 2009


Recommended listening...
Addicted - Saving Abel
Numb - Linkin Park
Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin

Because everyone's so psyched up about these exams, I just thought I would provide some (possibly) light-hearted injection of good grammar and well-built blog post into your weekend. Chances are none of you will see this until after the exams, but anyway.

Oh, and by the way, I am now (self-appointed) covering the CO2 car competition, which some of you will know from last year. And year 7, except that really doesn't count because it's too different.

So, this afternoon's post will comprise:




And yes, this could easily be 3 separate posts, but... GTFOverit.



Team Name: Phase Shift - If you have a better one, leave a comment. We're looking for physics related names preferably, though ones that are memorable and give us colour scheme leeway.

Team Members: 

Tim Wilson - Team Manager, Sponsor Associate.
James Telfer - Folio Manager, Manufacturing and Testing.
Marc Jones - Graphics Engineer, Resource and Marketing.
Juliette Davidson - Graphics Designer.
Daniel Taylor - Design Engineer, CAD/CAM Genius.

Apparently, we get extra points for not being sexist and including Jules...
On the downside, that means Miss Collins will take us to whichever comp we get too. I'm not sure about that really. I suppose it's not that bad. She's not actually a bad person, she means well. She's just a little... Incompetent.

Below is a couple of images of our car placed in Virtual Wind Tunnel. It's all I've got right now, I'll put some better ones up when I can.

The car is pretty good design. For those who care, this is F1 VWT on a Coarse Solver, which is why the 'airflow' is going through the spoiler. And everything else for that matter.

The only changes that we want to make are the changing of the angle on said spoiler and changing the configuration of the bottom to stop the air epic vortexing back up those sidepods.
We want to round off the back around the canister so it doesn't vacuum as much there, but that should be less of a problem once the CO2 canister is actually emitting CO2.

Anything else I could tell you?

Well the program above, even though designed specifically for this competition, only works on 5 computers in the school. Very irritating.
And we've done even less work in DT than usual as we go downstairs each lesson and just put the car through VWT and work on our logo, identity and folio design.

At this point, very little has been done. Exams mean free time is at a premium, and the comp is only in Term 3. Nonetheless, as soon as we are through the exams I fully intend to jump on people to get their bits of the folio done.

Anyway, enough on that. For now, anyway. Expect updates as we follow through to world fame.


Yes gentlemen (and ladies, but I'm assuming you don't really care).
There is now Halo Wars DLC. Zomigod.

In fact, I am going to play it. Like, right now.
While you're here, some more recommendations:

Monsters - Matchbook Romance
For all these times, son, for all these times - Lost Prophets.

Now, hold on while I go and test out this new awesomeness.
*Draft Saved at 5:45 PM*
*Returned to computer 6:12 PM*

Quite the epic really. A CTF gametype is amazing, with a sentinel that you kill as the flag, then the killer becomes the flag. You run away and hold the flag for a certain time to score.

A tug of war gametype in which you have to out-strong your opponent's army. The more army you have, the less they have, the closer you are to winning.

And the third is a Reinforcements gametype, where you can only upgrade techs, not build units. At set intervals your current resources are taken and replaced by squads (which squads changes over the course of the game) to the same value. In my third spawn I got 9 warthogs. Lolpwned.

So all in all, it's pretty awesome. It's not groundbreaking, but it fits well with the game and they're fun. I was testing them 1 player so I would withhold judgement until I play with a friend. All games are more fun when you're not loner.


Just to point this out, I came up with this while writing the CO2 car section.

Seriously, what the hell. If any of you were expecting to see any girl on the CO2 list, I'd be surprised. Oh, if you're from Phase Shift it doesn't count.

It's just interesting how much women have become the ones who get the less active jobs and men are the designers, engineers and hard workers. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not putting anyone down here. Society works (to an extent) and this is one of the biggest points in that. Women could easily break this if they wanted. So could men. But we are content to let it lie, because for the people who it might matter to, intellect and common sense and logic tell us that not everyone fits into stereotypes. 

Therefore we are fine with people doing the 'wrong' things. I suppose, to a certain extent, this tolerance spreads to other topics such as homosexuality (now I'm treading carefully), refugees, etc. etc.

Personally I have no problem with this. I try as much as I can not to judge people, certainly not for breaking a stereotype.

Just some food for thought.

On the aside, I'm sure most of you have seen the "maths paper" that says that women are equal to problems. It's quite amusing, go and find it if you haven't.

I'd like to propose that while women are equal to problems (It's true, you  see a guy sad or irritated an it's a 90% chance it's a girl) because they were used in the question, women are also the beginning of all solutions.

Regards and good wishes for the exams,
DJ Trigon.


Desperate, I will crawl
Waiting for so long
No love, there is no love.
Die for anyone
What have I become?

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


wait up, this is DJ Needles bringing you another short broadcast about Xams, don't bother relaxing because i'm just posting up the times...


8:30 Japanese (1.5 hour)*
German (1.5 hour)

11:00 PDHPE (1.5 hour)

1:15 English (2 hour)


8:30 French (1.5 hour)
Latin (1.5 hour)*

11:00 Geography (1.5 hour)

1:15 Science (2 hour)


8:30 Agriculture (1.5 hour)

11:00 Sport Scnce(1.5 hour)

1:15 Maths (all) (1.5 hour)

*in Boyce hall,

other than the two specified, all exams will be held in the Gym.

remember that we 'have' to stay at school after we arrive

remember to get there at least 20 minutes before the exam starts

That's all really, DJ Needles signing out...


Transmit the message, to the receiver,
hope for an answer some day
I got three passports, a couple of visas,
you don't even know my real name
High on a hillside, the trucks are loading,
everything's ready to roll
I sleep in the daytime, I work in the nightime,
I might not ever get home

Tuesday, 19 May 2009


Good evening loyal fans and whatnot, pull up a chair and get comfy because it's not going to be a very long post tonight.

Recommended Listening: "Do Me A Favour", Arctic Monkeys

Well as most of you should've figured out, it's bloody hard to review things when I'm aiming to please an audience but all I get is MY input for what I should review.

This means as of NOW, I am opening up the Shiny New Talk Box, Needles has so kindly put in, for requests for a review. It can be anything , songs, games, movies, albums, books, even shops or places. Keep in mind I do have a life outside of this and any request on a Game I haven't played or a Book I haven't read will be a long time coming, so don't get your hopes up that I'm going to review Angels and Demons :The Book:The Video Game: etc.

Also slight social update

Alec is a complete douche
Immy is a manipulative bitch
And I have made a vow to not weigh people down with my problems

Thankyou all and Good Morning?

DJ Jwol Out


I, Don't love you
I'm Just passing the Time
You could love me if I knew how to lie
But, who could love me I'm out of my mind?
Throwing a line out to sea...

Monday, 18 May 2009


Shoutin out to all you cats is DJ Needles feelin right to begin broadcasting on this fine Monday afternoon.

recommended listening music: Angerfist

OK, today's talk shall be short, and seemingly useless, but it's still a little nudge out the door for most of us.

the next two weeks are going to be quite eventful for most of you, with Exams and Assignments coming up for almost every subject. Now, even though they are just half-yearly exams, and they don't really go towards anything, i believe we should still revise, not so much as to get 90%+ results, but we should take this as an oppertunity to try out some study methods, to see what works for us and what doesn't. No one wants to end up in a School Certificate Exam and then suddenly realise that all those practice essays or mind-maps did jack-shit in sticking in your head.

What i recommend is getting in small 'study groups', and make study notes on one, or a few subjects each, then have a session where you all get together and take turns to explain the notes you have collaborated, this vocal explanation should bury itself your mind and you could even write-out the notes if you really want to make sure, some people like doing practice essays, some people like writing pages and pages of notes, and other people like doing mindmaps, you won't find out what works and what doesn't work for studying until you try it out.

So, there you have it, just a little motivation and inspiration for you to study, don't leave this to last minute (right before SC) cause if you do then your screwed, completely.

This is DJ Needles, *sigh*ning out,
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today, and don't dream of tomorrow


FREAK!Hard to the core
Flat on the floor
Give me some more

MARCH! down the hall
and report to the principal
MARCH! down the hall
and report to the principal

Kill your school books and rules
You're no fool teach us stupid
Ring the bell, ditch this hell

Sunday, 17 May 2009


Good evening listeners this is DJ Prodigy here with news from the record, I'd also like to apologies for my recent absence of broadcasts, ill attempt to keep them regular but sadly its not always possible.
Before I get into my general bitching tradition must be followed, so for the sake of that tradition

Recommended Listening: “Scared”-Three Days Grace, Don’t worry listeners even as much as it may seem Three Days Grace has no religious influence, and to point out I will try my best to not recommend any music with religious influences. The songs just something small I was listening to. It’s a good band with only one album, enjoy!
Finally before you read on, I'd also like to point out in this particular rant I was quite tired so be prepared for
1.Terrible Grammar/Punctuation
2.Terrible Spelling
3.Awesome repetitiveness (Its not a rant unless it repeats the same point over and over)
4.Lack of organization... Yes i don't think looking back on it I had too much of an idea of what i am/was talking about.

Fans, I’m sure it has become quite apparent to you that mainstream music strangely enough indicated by the name takes up the majority of the music industry. Furthermore I’m sure you know that its worst than ever, our generation has managed to outdo itself in creating music that is so generic so unoriginal that people are managing to call two songs that are practically the same different genres because one part in that one song he raises his voice an octave higher than the other one. Now I don’t know what your take on this is, but frankly fans, I find this sad.
I find it sad that our musical tastes are becoming so small that we actually reject music that doesn’t follow the simple guidelines of mainstream. Now most of you may be wondering why im ranting about this when most of it is quite a well known fact to you listeners. Well as some of you might have noticed Green Day released a new album “21st Century breakdown”. I personally don’t feel to drawn to Green Day in general but I will admit, some of their older stuff is actually not that bad, and as close as it may have sounded there was a distinctiveness that brought this band away from actually being mainstream. But with this new release another band crumbles into the pit of mainstream leaving less and fewer bands that actually attempt to make “music” rather than regurgitate the same old crap.
This is an epidemic of music, bands are dying another example of this is RHCP, believe it or not there music in the 1980’s and 1990’s was not labelled mainstream but then they released there latest album “Stadium Arcadium” this album is clear proof that RHCP has switched tactics from quality to quantity in a hope that a few of them are ok, there being 40 something songs in total on the “Stadium Arcadium” album, while in the past they’ve released about 12 qualitative songs per album.
I didn’t come here today to yell of a “cure” to the world, just a warning that if we follow this path we will lead to nowhere. When did music stop being as clichéd about as it sounds “about the music” and being replaced with money, there has always been mainstream In the past, an appropriate amount but recently it seems no one’s actually in the business of record making for the fact that there making quality music that people and themselves can enjoy but no instead to make a living off and abuse the already damaged system of mainstream.
I’m sure people will leave here today thinking I’m just bitching about mainstream music and that I should just live with it, but if there is no diversity in music where will we be lead, if there’s no change how will it evolve. So before I leave I ask one thing, go out today to an actual, not or bittorent, CD store and buy something a little bit out there, support your band that chooses to play music the way they choose and not the industry
This is Dj prodigal signing out and wishing you all happy listening, goodnight!
Invaders Must Die
Invaders Must Die
Invaders Must Die
Invaders Must Die
Invaders Must Die
Invaders Must Die

Friday, 15 May 2009


Goodafternoon this is DJ Needles shouting out to you through tiny wires or maybe some of that new wifi stuff, and if so then i'm in your brain, hope you're happy now.

Recommended listening: The Movers and the Shakers, museum is probs their best song

Not much has been hip-hop-happening around here that you would not know about, there's a butload of assignments and assesments coming up, the English exam is 2 hours long, so take a pillow. Also don't forget that there is a whole lifetime to live after exams, so get some awesome ideas rolling in the back of your mind for things to do as a celebration, i need to go bowling.

Ok, well i'll just say that the whole Alec/Aria thing looks like it's actually gonna get somewhere, but that's not what i'm here to talk to you about, i'm here to talk about me...

i'll try to keep it short, if you think i missed out on anything just talk to me. Well, back in year 6 i liked this girl called Kate, according to Jack she was pretty much a female version of me, and ridiculed me a lot, and that got to me but i still asked out the year 6 farewell disco and she said yes and nothing really happened. BUT! Aria told me after school today, quite offhanded actually, that Kate asked her to ask me to go to the Abbotsleigh Formal, which apparently is on Halloween, and my reply is a yes and so lots of smiley faces for me.

yeah, i know it's been a short talk but still, everyone seems to know what's happening right now, which is good.

again, this is the bit where i say something witty then leave you to your silence...
one more time, this is DJ Needles, Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you, signing out, stay happy people...


If I only could deceive you
Forgetting the game
Every time I try to leave you
You laugh just the same

cause my wheels never touch the road
And the jumble of lies we told
Just returns to my back to weigh me down...

Wednesday, 13 May 2009


Morning All 

It's DJ Jwol Back and I hope you've got your water bottles ready
Sit down, get nice and comfy, and listen to the warm. Because I've got a Review comin' atcha.

Recommended Listening: "Endlessly, She Said" A.F.I

Today I was sick. So the natural thing to do was to find an album that had been lost for a good 5 years or so. 

I found it.

The album I'm speaking of is "Origin" by Evanescence. Their very first album ever, although not their very first CD. I downloaded it expecting a CD with a few good songs by Evanescence. What i got was , Pure Amazing-ness. The whole album literally brought tears to my eyes. I loved it.It's hard for me to express the sheer amazing-ness of this album without being there to listen to it with you. So, gentle reader download it, it is barely 50mb from a torrent and unless you have been completley ignoring Prodigal, then it should be really easy for you.If you are borderline retarted and aren't listening to the guy who is telling you how to get music for free, then I pity you, for you are a lost soul.

Short Review I know and I'm sorry
An awful lots going on...well for me at least maybe Needles will talk about it.

Off to go cough up half a lung

DJ Jwol Out


She's a Brick
And I'm drowning Slowly.....
Off the Coast
And I'm going Nowhere....

Sunday, 10 May 2009


hello people, this is DJ Needles signing in again, this time to bring you information on a very serious subject.

recommended listening: nothing

what i want to talk to you all about today is something that can affect anyone, but because of our age, and the massive amounts of change we are going through, we seem to be much more prone to becoming depressed,

don't think that because you have a happy and fulfilling life now that you won't ever be depressed, one in five people feel depressed by the time that they reach adulthood, that's 20% of us that will have been depressed by the time we start uni.

also, most of us don't really understand depression even though it is so common, sure they try to teach us about it in PDHPE, but who ever really listens to the teachers? that's why i want you to teach yourselves about depression, so you fully understand what causes it, what effects it has and how you can help.

scientist aren't fully sure of exactly what causes depression, but the most common causes seem to be;

Family history of mental illness
Anxiety as a kid
Family arguments, separation, divorce, brothers or sisters moving out
Your mum or dad having another mental illness
Poor self esteem
Not getting on with your friends or family
Not coping
Not having people to talk to
Not doing well at school or work
Being in debt

but even then depression can still sometimes happen for no obvious reason.

Depression doesn't just end at someone feeling bad all the time, it's effect can have a much wider reach than that. Depression affects family and friends as well. it can completely change a family, i've seen this happen, it's a real shake up. Among friends, i guess the effects really vary, it wouldn't really lighten anyone's day...

What can you do to help? well, first off you could try and prevent some of the causes of depression, talk to the person who you think is depressed, even if this is awkward it still gives the person a sense of inclusion, also try to help that person with any difficulties they are having at school, even if it's just some advice, something is much better than nothing.

Well, this is where i start to wrap up, try to learn more about depression and other common mental illnesses, at our age we're very likely to get something. keep your eyes open, remember that it can happen to anyone, and don't just sit back and let it happen, help.

DJ Needles signing out...


No I can’t do this all on my own
No I know
That I'm no


Good morning readers. Well, it was when I started writing. It won't be when I'm finished.\

Recommended listening: The Kill - 30 Seconds to Mars

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day. You guys shouldn't be reading this today. Hell, I shouldn't be writing, but I am.

I know, I know, I'm halfway through my social networking babble.
But I consider this of enough importance to step outside the box.

On Saturday night I attended what is known as Theatresports. Damn, it was good. Basically, each of the 4 states (No territories Ellen) had the best improvisation team from that state. Oh, and good afternoon. It just hit 12. Each team was given a challenge according to themed rounds. For instance, they might be given a Genre Rollercoaster and a title. They must act out a scene, totally improvised, but whenever the host calls out a specific genre, for instance fairytale, CSI or horror, they must instantly switch to that genre while keeping the story intact. Members of the other teams would often simply run on to the stage to assist the main team or create amusement.  Anything that anyone did was smoothly incorporated into the action. An example of this was when a magician known as "The Great Dudeini" came onto the stage from the back and one of the other players ran on and said "It's the Great Dudeini! The great magician who only speaks in rap songs!" and then ran off. The piano improviser (who was also brilliant) then began some rap backing music and "The Great Dudeini" only spoke in rap for that scene. The only pause was while the audience roared with laughter.

Actually, it's really impossible to explain the hilarity. I'm not even going to try. Some "you had to be there" jokes can be explained. This one can't. Seriously. Only one person will possibly get the joke Ca-caw! ca-caSPLAT!

Wow. I just ranted about something that you can't appreciate because you weren't there. Rest assured, I shall notify you well in advance the next time I hear of something like this. It is pure genius in a can. Except... It's not in a can.

DJ Trigon.

Come break me down
Marry me, bury me
I am finished with you

What if I wanted to fight
Beg for the rest of my life
What would you do?

Saturday, 9 May 2009


DJ prodigal coming at you like a summer breeze on a winter day, unexpected yet delightful. Before i get to my final and shortest issue/solution concerning Limewire I'd like to once again talk about some nice unrelated information.

Musical Recommendation:
Even though all of the music recommended on this site is a "Must listen to" This song is a must must listen to, and I feel as the musical man here I can hoard this power and take control. now actually to the song, "There's No Sympathy For The Dead" By
Escape The Fate Before the lead singer was carted away for taking part in a murder, making him that much more awesome- what has society come to- nonetheless this is just a sample of what there first two and from my perspective definitively better albums are like, so enjoy.
Firstly DJ Jwol will be covering the Living End concert in my absence of the event,I assure you that I will be leaving you with in one of the most musically capable hands I have ever seen.
Secondly, just to give an overall heads up of music related things you might be interested in, There is a soon to be Alice cooper concert that some of you might find interesting, a classic of the genre that is rock. Soon after id like to point out that in 13 days, situated in victoria ,A Tribute to Pink Floyd, The "Holy shit" of music. Performing there concert, The Moon & Beyond, Even though this is only a cover band the music is still just as satisfying, and the cover has attempted and I'm not sure on the success, to "Recreate" the atmosphere that Pink Floyd produced, of course that is more information then actually useful it being in Victoria. Some other heads up, if you wish to book tickets for AC/DC now would be an excellent time to look into that, the waiting list is now opened and this band will of course be a definite sellout so if your planning to see AC/DC don't think about it too much or you'll lose your opportunity. Thats all the pure musical interest I'd like to point out so I will NOW continue on to the last shortest and least important issue and solution of the posts that are [Limewire]. If anyone wishes for any further information or a review of some sort of a band or song drop a comment and ill be sure to follow.


My final issue and probably the least important problem with “Limewire” is I like for my files to look legitment, that could be because I actually buy my music and movies but if you are a downloader and you do like the files to look legitment as well as understandable of what they are youll notice limewire usually has “tags” at the end of the files or websites, I just find this annoying and make a iTunes library harder to organise.

Using bit torrent and pretty much solve that entire issue because the files are usually correctly labeled and named. Yes i know incredibly short and pretty much useless, but it backs up everything i say about limewire being ineffective and thats what you get for having someone picky like that being your main musical correspondent here at the office, or so I'm told.

Let me just add Faithful NSR and now hopefully MAVR fans that in no way do I or the anyone who contributes on the site actually condone the use of illegal downloading and piracy we believe in supporting the artist or director of a product and I only made this thread to stop you from destroying your computers, and in no way do I or anyone on the site or the site itself hold responsibility to what you do with this information.
This is DJ Prodigal and if any information or topics you wish to share with the rest of the listeners drop a comment besides that I hope you enjoyed my ridiculously long rant on why limewire sucks unnecessarily large hair covered male sexual organs.

Right before I go, if anyone else has noticed the excessive use of commas and other crappy punctuation I apologies for writing with such bad manner, this was a bit of a rushed post and I promise to clean this mess up eventually
This is DJ Prodigal wishing you all a virus free computer with what some might call "Fuck loads" of music, Goodnight.

I'm the one who makes me so happy,
and I wanna be all just for myself,
I'm the one who makes me so happy,
and I wanna be all just for myself


Hi ho everyone DJ Jwol is back with yet another review on whatever he feels like.
Recommended Listening:Brick, Ben Folds Five

Tonight i will be your correspondant to the pure injection of awsomness mixed with a little sexual tension that was "The Living End" Live at the Entertainment Centre, featuring "Tame Impala" and "Gyroscope". The concert started as many do, the lights slightly dimmed as the band that not many people had heard of played there very alternative music, this was of course Tame Impala and i do recommend them if your into the vines and other bands of the like, but in all honesty they were great but need to be a little more "in the moment", i almost felt i was just watching a rehearsal. After Tame Impala, Gyroscope came out, and believe me you could've thought that they were the main act, by the way that they carried on, but for good reason because i absolouly loved them in all honesty they were fantastic. They even had the whole crowd moshing to "Beds are Burning" originally by "Midnight Oil" which i myself was suprised at, hating that song or at least the original, bloody fucking peter garret CHOOSE ONE OCCUPATION AND STICK WITH IT!


Gyroscope was amazing, but they were nothing when "The Living End" came out, from then on in it was non-stop amazing ness,if you happen to like what ive dubbed "Australemo"  its sort of like emo music, but with that, getting smashed on bottles of "VB" and being loud and crash that makes up a lot of australian culture. I really keep getting distracted don't I? Well i was on the floor, so for most of the concert I was doing things that outside of a mosh pit, would be called sexual assault, that is rubbign up against a stranger from behind, but don't worry, everyone was doing it. So, the music, well "The Living End" played a lot of the songs from their new album but that was to be expected and to be honest, I payed $60 for this concert and by the time they'd started to play their new stuff I'd already felt lkike i got my moneys worth and anything more was just a bonus.4 prominant songs stood out that really sent the crowd off and they were, "Prisoner of Society" which got the whole crowd chanting the chorus. "White Noise" which had the entire crowd singing the whole song. "Wake up" had the whole crowd swaying in time with the song and I must say it was an incredible sight. Last but in no way least "West End Riot" which is probobly their best song of all time, when that started the crowd went wild and it was amazing they made it last for about 7 minutes and it was in those last 7 minutes that i finally lost most of my voice.

Well thats all i have to say
Also you say my name "DeeJay Jaywall"
Just incase you were saying it some how else

DJ Jwol Out

Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights
Oh, how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Good afternoon, this is DJ Drop-Doctor, i'm your local car 'expert' over here at Office, i'll be taking you through important pieces of information that you should know about cars at our age, since most of us are getting our licences this year, today i'll be talking to you about your first purchase...
Recommended listening music: Gasoline By Airborne Toxic Event

When looking for a first car, it is important to review 4 questions
  • What is my budget? (Anywhere between 3-10 grand should buy a decent car)

  • Is it desirable/stylish? (There is no point buying a car that you will not want to be seen in)

  • How much is it going to cost a week?class="Apple-style-span"> (Petrol+Running cost are terrible heavier vehicles)

  • Is it fun to drive? (Smaller, lighter cars have better driving than heavier cars)

These 4 aspects help decide what sort of car young people buy. With higher petrol cost and the economy out of control it becomes more of a wallet than emotional decision when it comes to your first car. This should NEVER be the case. There are also many alternatives that answer all the questions with a yes. My advice would be buy used. Instead of going and paying upwards of 15 grand for a new car that would most likely end up a wreck in 3 years. Used might be a gamble but if you choose wisely it will always be worth it.

This is DJ Drop-Doctor signing out for the night,
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car, goodnight good people

Don't you see their bodies burning 
 Desolate and full of yearning  Dying of anticipation
  Choking from intoxication  


Well hallo thar

Recommended Listening:Country Yard, The Vines

To all you people who are yet to know me, I am the DJ Jwol, and this is my broadcast Spice of Life. My part of the office we have going here is to review anything i really feel like so you can know my opinion on things and such, just in case you asked. Today i will be reviewing MCR or as i like to call this "MCR, A Retrospective". Now as hardly any of you know, MCR had two albums before the incredibly popular but horribly terrible album "The Black Parade". These were "I Brought you my bullets, you brought me your love" and "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" now when i say these two albums were post punk gold, would be an understatement, they are two of my most favouritest albums ever. From "Honey this mirror isnt big enough for the both of us" to "i never told you what i do for a living" I Loved all of it. Now there is a story in these albums all good albums have some sort of story or a basis. The Story is even continuous. The first albums story is a Bonnie and Clydesque story to massivley quote Wikipedia but i cant phrase it any other way now the main thing is robbing places killing people and visiting Monroeville. By the end of the album things go awry and the girl and guy in the story die, but the guy only goes to purgatory for some reason.

Everyone "Awww" Now

The Next album follows on after this but its a little more fantastical than the last. The man makes a deal with the devil to get his sweathearts soul back from the black abyss agrees to take the souls of 1000 evil men  in order for her to leave hell. The rest of the album's songs are about certain killings in this 1000 man killing spree, the last few songs are about how she comes back and in a Romeo and Juliet style he starts to die because that was a part of the deal, she is appalled and then proceeds to commit suicide, Hence the name, "Cemetary Drive" the 12th track and second last song on the album.

Now to the horrible ness that was "The Black Parade" was just such a kick in the face for MCR fans because it was just so.... MAINSTREAM. The song Black parade sucked and only one song on that actual album is worth listening to or maybe two "House of Wolves" and "This is How i Dissapear" good songs btw.And thats about it.

Well that was my post for now i hope you enjoyed it because ive got plenty more things im rather outspoken to. This is DJ Jwol signing out for now nd remember listeners, we need more feedback, off to go rip on Christianity a bit more 

DJ Jwol Out

Your minds are open wide
The V-chip gives them sight
To all the life running through her hair
The Spiders all in tune
The storming of Poor June
All the Life running 
Through her hair...

Wednesday, 6 May 2009


hey all, fall down , sit back, relax, DJ Needles is back at the box and i'm gonna be popping for a while so get comfy.

recommended listening: Daft Punk

well, it's only been two days but it's still high time for another sets of broadcast's over here at Office, thisarvo i'll be blabbering on about a new DJ in the bloc, human ignorance and our growing technological dependence, some social news, and a fancy new piece of shiny awesomeness brought back to you from the good future.

mhmm, first up i have to introduce our latest addition to the team, DJ Drop-Doctor:

tell me about yourself

Well i am your resident car buff. I'll bring you news about cars that actually matter! None of those shitty eco-boxes from the companies that could put more passion in washing machines. 

how would you describe your musical tastes?

anything different or with a gimmick

anything happening in the near future that you think people should know about?

auto shows
might get my project car

anything more specific than that?



well its a TR3

mhmmm, anything you think our listeners should know about you?

i speak only in the voice of the professor from futurama

any reason for this?

buts its so annoying

do you have any food on you right now?

i do have 1 survival knife

if you could describe yourself in 1 word what would it be?


if you could describe yourself in 2 different words what would they be?

and sleazy

3 words?
eccentric oblivious and sleazy

what do you hope to bring to NSR radio?

a view on a doomed industry

ok, last question, If you could ask me anything right now what would it be?

wheres the podcasting option?


well, now that we've gotten to know DJ Drop-Doctor quite well, i think it's time i moved on and let him take control of his participation in NSR.

OK, now onto human ignorance and something something something...

i was watching some news channel a short while ago, and the most jaw-droppingly stupid story came on, it was a report on whether Beach Driving (which involves driving big 4 wheel drives around beaches for a leisure activity) was bad for the environment. The first thing that struck me about this was the Beach-Driving itself, apparently it feels great to "see the beach, in all it's calmness, and now that it's all yours", seriously people, your in a car, that is the most retarded thing i've ever heard, people trying to be at one with nature as they speed down the sand in their lumbering metal hulks that they affectionally call V8s.

What happened to walking down the beach, when you can hear the water, and see the little kids your running into. soon people will be going on long romantic drives on the beach, and little kids will be driving those imitation pedal-cars around as well, and the cycle will continue and no one will be able to remember what a smooth, flowing empty beach used to look like, all they'll remember is that red-headed kid the flattened, and how they made that love heart with the tyre tracks one time. But the ignorance for what's good in the world doesn't stop there, it gets even thicker. A scientist down at the Gold Coast has been doing some research and apparently Beach Driving is bad for the environment, who would have guessed. Apparently not only does it needlessly pollute the air with greenhouse gasses, it also churns up the sand, and somehow this is killing massive numbers of small creatures that live in that sand, imagine your house being crushed by a giant God-like rubber doughnut, doesn't sound like much fun.

but that was not the part that got to me, it was the response to this that a Beach Driving enthusiast had, i thought he would show concern for the numerous lives he was ending with each kilometer he churned up, apparently people don't work like that anymore. he said, "you're talking about small creatures and human beings, doesn't it make sense to look after the humans?". he talked as if it was a matter of life and death, as if he would cease to exist if he couldn't get his fix of ruining childrens sandcastles and also, killing numerous sand-dwelling creatures, but that doesn't matter, what harm could that possibly do when you remove an organism from it's ecosystem?

well, that's enough venting for now, time for a short social update:
you should all know this by now, but for those who have remained oblivious, Aria has been asked out by Alec Hingston and she said yes.
Personally, i don't expect this to last very long at all. from what i've seen and heard Aria's relationships don't last very long, but that seems to have been the work of an outside force recently, but fortunately for everyone they don't really end with a BANG! of death, destruction, plague and all things apocalyptic.

it's only been three days, the social pool seems to be settling down to it's calm state, but rest assured, when something does happen, i'll report on it.

OK, now for the fancy piece of awesomeness, in reality it is less of a 'shiny piece' and more of a 'entiristic collaboration', but i'll just let you see for yourself, bookmark this page for procrastinating, it is just brilliant when you need to be doing, DT History, and i think i also have some English due in.

Well, that it seems like i should start wrapping up the show right now, there's not really much elso to talk about...

go out, listen to something you've never heard before, listen to your friends' music, listen to your parents music, listen to your grandparents music, you just never now what great discovery you could make out there on the Audial Plane of existence.

also a big message i have for most of you listeners, stop hating, go for a day where you forgive everyone for their past wrongs, treat them like the people the really are, throw those grudges out of the window, their only holding you down from enjoying life, if someone does something that pisses you off, try and find out why they are doing it, don't just assume the worst and hold it against them, i try to live without hate and i'm just fine, i hope.

one last 'inspiring' snippet from my mind, don't wait. you see an oppertunity, grab it. you see a chance to do something you enjoy, do it. Waiting is only giving that oppertunity a chance to escape, and once they're gone they never gonna come back. who really cares if you make a mistake? might as well do it when your young, try to learn from every experience you have, everyone is going to make mistakes in their life, you might as well make them earlier on when no one really cares that much about you.

this is DJ Needles signing out, hoping that this blog will go on into eternity, spreading it's messages to every corner of the internet, remember, the centre of 'life' is 'if'.


I come back...come back
you see my return
my returning face is smiling
smile of a waiting man...
I be home soon soon soon
soon cry on your shoulder
your shoulder against my burning tears
tears of a waiting man...


This is Dj Prodigal with another installment of Music and Anything Even Vaugley Related.

My music recommendation: An old song but still absolutely brilliant... that was quite English of me, anyway the song is "Heart-shaped Box" by Nirvana, and if anyone as so much as mentions "Smells like teen spirit" I will personally send a much larger man to discipline these people.

Before I start as most of you know the Living End concert is now in two days, so yes a little late to book, personally I'm not much of a fan but what very few people know is that BMTH (Bring Me The Horizon) which requires a very special taste of music which is rarely found among you listeners, If anyone would be interest BMTH is performing at the UNSW Rounhouse on the 16th, and I'm quite sure there are tickets left.

Anyway back onto topic today I'll be continuing with my previous post of why Limewire is a terrible program and other and more effective ways of downloading those certain files, which I must once again mention in no way do i condone, but wish to inform for the sake of your computer, so lets get into it.

The next issue is the fact that you can only download singular files without downloading a zip file off limewire which is in non computer terms is the equivalent of grabbing your machine and throwing it off the Sydney Harbour Bridge…Yes I do live in Australia, live with it. Now while on you will have noticed just like limewire its still only able to download songs individually this can be quite irritating because you want the entire album or such.


A solution to this problem is using a program called “Bit torrent” and using it to download torrents (Yes I realise 90% of the people reading this will not be cyber-ly brain-dead but this entire broadcast as I’m sure you’ve noticed is meant for those who do not know.)
Once again I’ll go through step by step on how to do this.

Step1: Browser>Htmlbar> ENTER

Step2: Click the giant button “Get BitTorent”

Step3: Once again click “Get BitTorrent” , Save the file to wherever you wish.

Step4:Install the program by clicking such phrases as next, I agree ,install,next,finish.

Step5: You don’t even need to open the program yet, just go straight to your web browser and go to either or both are great resources the only difference is some files can only be found on either site which is a minor inconvenience. Once on either page you will find a search bar, simply type the artist or movie your looking for, it is unlikely youll find single songs on these websites so just look as entire artist. An example would be “Nirvana Discography”>ENTER.

Step6:I highly recommend using the next step to increase the speeds of the downloads though it Is still optional, click the button seeds or seeders or some variation of this word, this simply list the seeders from highest to lowest for each program ( for those of you who don’t know a “seeder” is someone who distributes these files while a “leecher” as the name might suggest downloads the files off a seeder so the more “seeders” the faster the download will work, for a download to work at all you must need at LEAST one seeder.)

Step7: Once you have found an appropriate link click it and it will of course bring you to the next page a crucial part of this step is reading a few of the comments at after satisfied that this is a safe download and is what it claims to be, a very distinct comment that will say against this is
“VIRUS NOT SAFE SCANNED FOUND TWO TROJANS” at this point you look for another version of this file but if you choose the file with the most “seeders” you will most likely find that its safe. Back from that rambling passage, once satisfied with its safety simply click “download torrent”.

Step8: Click save and once the download has completed double click and it will bring you to your “Bit Torrent program where you can, as an amateur I suggest not messing around with the files till they are complete till you get a better understanding of how it works. Once the file is complete, if your Australian and a like to save your limited internet I suggest pressing the large stop button while having the downloaded selected to stop it from continuing to send the file out to others attempting to download. Then simply go to the folder the files were downloaded in or just double click the files in the bit torrent program.
And there you go a much more effective and safer method of downloading multiple files at once, even though to all you computer brain-dead people, this might seem a little bit complicated but once you do it once it becomes as easy as breathing.

Well I hope you've enjoyed this and its been helpful for you, i have one more post which will be much shorter, much of you will appreciate that, on this topic and then ill be moving on to other things, until then this is Dj Prodigal wishing you all a swine flue week.

...side note: Back up to 7 days of music!
And too many kids in here have hat tops and hammers as well
Cellar door is blown to bits, i keep my cool knowing it well, knowing it well


Good afternoon, faithful readers, this is Trigon, back with more insight.

Oh, I recommend Two Weeks by All That Remains. It's a little heavy but good nonetheless. Should this prove problematic, it can be found on Tap Tap Revenge 2 on Hard - I shall save the iTouch/iPhone and associated apps for another time.

Today, I'm going to be discussing Social Networking sites - well actually, just Facebook. Because MySpace is defunct (sorry if I offend), and while I believe Twitter is good, I have not yet experienced it.

As some of you know (or may even have been directed from there) I have set up a Facebook 'Page' for NSR. I was observing the amount of users gained over time, and I noticed several things. Because of the time of night, my posting of NSR flew off the bottom of the news feed. The only people who became fans were those who knew I was creating it.

So the NSR Page pottered along until slightly later, when our steady trickle of fans led to us being featured in the 'Highlights' column. Now this may not sound groundbreaking, but I am sure that this featuring led to an increase of at least 4-5 people out of our total fans. Because of the nature of the Page and it's picture, it would be hard to justify (well, to people of our maturity - more on that later) simply becoming a fan just because someone else did. I find it interesting that such an increase came simply from being the bottom square on the highlights column for about 10 minutes. Even then, that was only the people that the fans know. If I had chosen to design and submit an advert, the number would have probably been even greater.

However, there exist people, 3 of them actually, who have most likely never even been to the fan page, and certainly will not read this post. Yes, it appears year 7 girls lack the maturity to distinguish between something that they want to be fans of and something their friends want to be fans of... If you are reading this, accept my profuse apologies, and tell me so I don't remove you off the fans list later.

Wow, breaking news guys, a good friend of mine just sent me a profoundly interesting link.

Listen to some good music while I go and read it.

Now, this may be a rather lengthy explanation, so if you want to skip it, go ahead. Here's a secret time-warp code leading to the line further down. If you're not up to mental gymnastics right now, come back later. It is interesting, I assure you.

The story begins, of course, with a monkey.

This monkey belongs to you. His name is Snap. Imagine a personality for Snap.

How sad would you be if Snap died?

Now imagine you have two monkeys. Their names are up to you.

How many monkeys do you think you could have before you start forgetting them?

Before Snap's personality was lost in an endless sea of monkey face?

Before one of them could die without you caring?

I can tell you that number, by the way. Stay tuned.

For monkeys, that number is 50. That is, they are unable to mentally care for more than 50 other monkeys.

Consider this. Have you ever thought:

I wonder if the trash man is grumpy today?

How is the guy in that house getting on with his wife?

No. You haven't. Because they exist outside of your people sphere. You are quite literally incapable of caring for them. This does not make you a horrible person. Everyone does it. This is also what makes the difference between the hurricane in China which decimated the population of province such-and-such, killing over 13 million people... You see? You don't really care. Though if I told you that your mother just died in a car crash, well, that's a bit closer to the heart isn't it? Or even if you used to live in province such-and-such, and still have 3/4 of your friends there...

Anyone outside your sphere is reduced down to nothing, a one-dimensional character... as this quote from the aforementioned link says perfectly:

"Remember the first time, as a kid, you met one of your school teachers outside the classroom? Maybe you saw old Miss Puckerson at Taco Bell eating refried beans through a straw, or saw your principal walking out of a dildo shop. Do you remember that surreal feeling you had when you saw these people actually had lives outside the classroom?"

It's strange, in fact, because this even works when the person is the worst one you can think of:

"Osama Bin Laden. Did you just picture a camouflaged man hiding in a cave, drawing up suicide missions? Or are you thinking of a man who gets hungry and has a favorite food and who had a childhood crush on a girl and who has athlete's foot and chronic headaches and wakes up in the morning with a boner and loves volleyball?

Something in you, just now, probably was offended by that. You think there's an effort to build sympathy for the murderous f**k. Isn't it strange how simply knowing random human facts about him immediately tugs at your sympathy strings? He comes closer to your sphere, he takes on dimension."

Sorry about that... a bit off topic.

I shall save the remainder for a later day...

Oh, and just not to disappoint, the estimated number for humans is 150. Which is probably us being egotistical and it's more like 75.


DJ Trigon.


And still you feel like the loneliness 
Is better replaced by this 
I don't believe it this way 
And I can see the fear in your eyes 
I've seen it materialise 
Growing stronger each day

Monday, 4 May 2009


Recommended listening music: Gasoline By Airborne Toxic Event

When looking for a first car, it is important to review 4 questions
  • What is my budget? (Anywhere between 3-10 grand should buy a decent car)

  • Is it desirable/stylish? (There is no point buying a car that you will not want to be seen in)

  • How much is it going to cost a week? (Petrol+Running cost are terrible heavier vehicles)

  • Is it fun to drive? (Smaller, lighter cars have better driving than heavier cars)

These 4 aspects help decide what sort of car young people buy. With higher petrol cost and the economy out of control it becomes more of a wallet than emotional decision when it comes to your first car. This should NEVER be the case. There are also many alternatives that answer all the questions with a yes. My advice would be buy used. Instead of going and paying upwards of 15 grand for a new car that would most likely end up a wreck in 3 years. Used might be a gamble but if you choose wisely it will always be worth it.

Don't you see their bodies burning  Desolate and full of yearning  Dying of anticipation  Choking from intoxication  

Sunday, 3 May 2009


hello late-time listeners, this is DJ Needles it's been busy over here at office, lots of hussle and bussle over here at Office, and in the outside world too i hear.

recommended music: Speaking in Tongues - Talking Heads

well, i've been quite busy today, procrastinating and the like. as you may of heard from DJ Trigon's first show that some of us have a Christian Studies project to do, well i haven't done it, and i've been to the same church twice today so that's 3 hours of my day gone to Christian Studies, and that's the most it's ever gonna get.

As Moderator of this show i feel like it's my duty to you, you faithful listeners, that i should introduce you to the three new NSRDJs,

first off we have DJ Prodigal,

"My prefrences for music probably lie with in old rock and old grunge but in modern day artists i go with heavy rock border lining metal and metal and anything a bit out there"

"i despise pop and rap"

DJ Prodigal will be shouting at your eyes with messages about music, and that's really as specific as i can get. he'll talk about upcoming concerts, new bands on the block, old bands now under ground and hopefull there will be a post in there about why the popular radio stations are pieces of crap.

DJ Prodigal has a message for you, "My heart is broke but i have some glue", hope you understand Nirvanian cuz i don't.

next up is DJ Trigon,

he's the real tech-king over here at Office, shame he has a mac. DJ Trigon's musical tastes are a bit more mainstream but they still stay away from all this pop and rap you hear boomin from those decked out cars, what a waste of money those are.

in his broadcast's DJ Trigon will be bringing you all the Tech-news that affects us younguns as we surf the web and use our phones, technology is constantly changeing so TRT should be something to always look forwards to.

still to broadcast is DJ Jwol,

DJ Jwol stays away from the radio when listening to his own music but he can still sing along to almost anything that they decide to play.

he'll be bringing you reviews, he'll be reviewing albums, movies, books, games, variety is the spice of life, and so bring some water when you tune into his broadcasts.

And finally you have me, DJ Needles,

musicwise i prefer to listen to some laid-back beats from the late 60's through to the early 80's, i mainly dip my feet in the pools of alternative/soft-rock and i generally go for the same with modern music.

my NRS broadcasts will be bringing you world events, such as swine flu updates, and maybe some segments on social-happenings if anything piques my interest. upcoming events in the Barker community will be noted if they have a significance to me or other NSRDJs.

not much has been happening swine-flu-wise, 20 confirmed deaths overall so don't get too worried about it. no new countries have been infected so all's well in the world for now.

apparently there's been some finger-pointing over the event that got me off air during first broadcast, our very own DJ Prodigal is apparently being blamed for the events from earlier this weekend and i won't stand for it, we were both there as the plan was drawn out, we were just bystanders. if DJ Prodigal is in the shit then i'm not letting him sink alone.

broaden your horizons listeners, musically. when we recommend a song or an album, youtube it, listen to it all the way through, if you don't like it then fine everyone should accept individuality. And if you like it then be happy because you've discovered something new that brings joy into your life.

looks like i'm being told to wrap this broadcast up by the authorities so it's time for me to sign out. Comment people, comment, your comments will keep us on the air and feeding you with more brainfood, so contribute, request an article, rage at something, we are people to and we have our own opinions, give us something to talk about and we'll talk. but if you stay silent then so will we.

i've got a quick message for the other NSRDJ's, radio silence for the next few days, you can still jot down ideas for your nect broadcast, and also please run your broadcasts by me before you flick the switch.

This is DJ Needles, jabbin' at your mind, over and out.


I . . . who took the money?
Who took the money away?
I . . . it’s always showtime
Here at the edge of the stage
I, i, i, wake up and wonder
What was the place, what was the name?
We wanna wait, but here we go again...