Sunday, 10 May 2009


hello people, this is DJ Needles signing in again, this time to bring you information on a very serious subject.

recommended listening: nothing

what i want to talk to you all about today is something that can affect anyone, but because of our age, and the massive amounts of change we are going through, we seem to be much more prone to becoming depressed,

don't think that because you have a happy and fulfilling life now that you won't ever be depressed, one in five people feel depressed by the time that they reach adulthood, that's 20% of us that will have been depressed by the time we start uni.

also, most of us don't really understand depression even though it is so common, sure they try to teach us about it in PDHPE, but who ever really listens to the teachers? that's why i want you to teach yourselves about depression, so you fully understand what causes it, what effects it has and how you can help.

scientist aren't fully sure of exactly what causes depression, but the most common causes seem to be;

Family history of mental illness
Anxiety as a kid
Family arguments, separation, divorce, brothers or sisters moving out
Your mum or dad having another mental illness
Poor self esteem
Not getting on with your friends or family
Not coping
Not having people to talk to
Not doing well at school or work
Being in debt

but even then depression can still sometimes happen for no obvious reason.

Depression doesn't just end at someone feeling bad all the time, it's effect can have a much wider reach than that. Depression affects family and friends as well. it can completely change a family, i've seen this happen, it's a real shake up. Among friends, i guess the effects really vary, it wouldn't really lighten anyone's day...

What can you do to help? well, first off you could try and prevent some of the causes of depression, talk to the person who you think is depressed, even if this is awkward it still gives the person a sense of inclusion, also try to help that person with any difficulties they are having at school, even if it's just some advice, something is much better than nothing.

Well, this is where i start to wrap up, try to learn more about depression and other common mental illnesses, at our age we're very likely to get something. keep your eyes open, remember that it can happen to anyone, and don't just sit back and let it happen, help.

DJ Needles signing out...


No I can’t do this all on my own
No I know
That I'm no

1 comment:

    I think I just solved the depression problem

    Also, for your "recommended listening" I suggest you add a link or something to an mp3 of the song you recommend, it makes things easier.

    Nice blog guys
    keep up the good work I guess?
