Good morning readers. Well, it was when I started writing. It won't be when I'm finished.\
Recommended listening: The Kill - 30 Seconds to Mars
Oh, and Happy Mother's Day. You guys shouldn't be reading this today. Hell, I shouldn't be writing, but I am.
But I consider this of enough importance to step outside the box.
On Saturday night I attended what is known as Theatresports. Damn, it was good. Basically, each of the 4 states (No territories Ellen) had the best improvisation team from that state. Oh, and good afternoon. It just hit 12. Each team was given a challenge according to themed rounds. For instance, they might be given a Genre Rollercoaster and a title. They must act out a scene, totally improvised, but whenever the host calls out a specific genre, for instance fairytale, CSI or horror, they must instantly switch to that genre while keeping the story intact. Members of the other teams would often simply run on to the stage to assist the main team or create amusement. Anything that anyone did was smoothly incorporated into the action. An example of this was when a magician known as "The Great Dudeini" came onto the stage from the back and one of the other players ran on and said "It's the Great Dudeini! The great magician who only speaks in rap songs!" and then ran off. The piano improviser (who was also brilliant) then began some rap backing music and "The Great Dudeini" only spoke in rap for that scene. The only pause was while the audience roared with laughter.
Actually, it's really impossible to explain the hilarity. I'm not even going to try. Some "you had to be there" jokes can be explained. This one can't. Seriously. Only one person will possibly get the joke Ca-caw! ca-caSPLAT!
Wow. I just ranted about something that you can't appreciate because you weren't there. Rest assured, I shall notify you well in advance the next time I hear of something like this. It is pure genius in a can. Except... It's not in a can.
DJ Trigon.
Come break me down
Marry me, bury me
I am finished with you
What if I wanted to fight
Beg for the rest of my life
What would you do?
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