Wednesday, 6 May 2009


hey all, fall down , sit back, relax, DJ Needles is back at the box and i'm gonna be popping for a while so get comfy.

recommended listening: Daft Punk

well, it's only been two days but it's still high time for another sets of broadcast's over here at Office, thisarvo i'll be blabbering on about a new DJ in the bloc, human ignorance and our growing technological dependence, some social news, and a fancy new piece of shiny awesomeness brought back to you from the good future.

mhmm, first up i have to introduce our latest addition to the team, DJ Drop-Doctor:

tell me about yourself

Well i am your resident car buff. I'll bring you news about cars that actually matter! None of those shitty eco-boxes from the companies that could put more passion in washing machines. 

how would you describe your musical tastes?

anything different or with a gimmick

anything happening in the near future that you think people should know about?

auto shows
might get my project car

anything more specific than that?



well its a TR3

mhmmm, anything you think our listeners should know about you?

i speak only in the voice of the professor from futurama

any reason for this?

buts its so annoying

do you have any food on you right now?

i do have 1 survival knife

if you could describe yourself in 1 word what would it be?


if you could describe yourself in 2 different words what would they be?

and sleazy

3 words?
eccentric oblivious and sleazy

what do you hope to bring to NSR radio?

a view on a doomed industry

ok, last question, If you could ask me anything right now what would it be?

wheres the podcasting option?


well, now that we've gotten to know DJ Drop-Doctor quite well, i think it's time i moved on and let him take control of his participation in NSR.

OK, now onto human ignorance and something something something...

i was watching some news channel a short while ago, and the most jaw-droppingly stupid story came on, it was a report on whether Beach Driving (which involves driving big 4 wheel drives around beaches for a leisure activity) was bad for the environment. The first thing that struck me about this was the Beach-Driving itself, apparently it feels great to "see the beach, in all it's calmness, and now that it's all yours", seriously people, your in a car, that is the most retarded thing i've ever heard, people trying to be at one with nature as they speed down the sand in their lumbering metal hulks that they affectionally call V8s.

What happened to walking down the beach, when you can hear the water, and see the little kids your running into. soon people will be going on long romantic drives on the beach, and little kids will be driving those imitation pedal-cars around as well, and the cycle will continue and no one will be able to remember what a smooth, flowing empty beach used to look like, all they'll remember is that red-headed kid the flattened, and how they made that love heart with the tyre tracks one time. But the ignorance for what's good in the world doesn't stop there, it gets even thicker. A scientist down at the Gold Coast has been doing some research and apparently Beach Driving is bad for the environment, who would have guessed. Apparently not only does it needlessly pollute the air with greenhouse gasses, it also churns up the sand, and somehow this is killing massive numbers of small creatures that live in that sand, imagine your house being crushed by a giant God-like rubber doughnut, doesn't sound like much fun.

but that was not the part that got to me, it was the response to this that a Beach Driving enthusiast had, i thought he would show concern for the numerous lives he was ending with each kilometer he churned up, apparently people don't work like that anymore. he said, "you're talking about small creatures and human beings, doesn't it make sense to look after the humans?". he talked as if it was a matter of life and death, as if he would cease to exist if he couldn't get his fix of ruining childrens sandcastles and also, killing numerous sand-dwelling creatures, but that doesn't matter, what harm could that possibly do when you remove an organism from it's ecosystem?

well, that's enough venting for now, time for a short social update:
you should all know this by now, but for those who have remained oblivious, Aria has been asked out by Alec Hingston and she said yes.
Personally, i don't expect this to last very long at all. from what i've seen and heard Aria's relationships don't last very long, but that seems to have been the work of an outside force recently, but fortunately for everyone they don't really end with a BANG! of death, destruction, plague and all things apocalyptic.

it's only been three days, the social pool seems to be settling down to it's calm state, but rest assured, when something does happen, i'll report on it.

OK, now for the fancy piece of awesomeness, in reality it is less of a 'shiny piece' and more of a 'entiristic collaboration', but i'll just let you see for yourself, bookmark this page for procrastinating, it is just brilliant when you need to be doing, DT History, and i think i also have some English due in.

Well, that it seems like i should start wrapping up the show right now, there's not really much elso to talk about...

go out, listen to something you've never heard before, listen to your friends' music, listen to your parents music, listen to your grandparents music, you just never now what great discovery you could make out there on the Audial Plane of existence.

also a big message i have for most of you listeners, stop hating, go for a day where you forgive everyone for their past wrongs, treat them like the people the really are, throw those grudges out of the window, their only holding you down from enjoying life, if someone does something that pisses you off, try and find out why they are doing it, don't just assume the worst and hold it against them, i try to live without hate and i'm just fine, i hope.

one last 'inspiring' snippet from my mind, don't wait. you see an oppertunity, grab it. you see a chance to do something you enjoy, do it. Waiting is only giving that oppertunity a chance to escape, and once they're gone they never gonna come back. who really cares if you make a mistake? might as well do it when your young, try to learn from every experience you have, everyone is going to make mistakes in their life, you might as well make them earlier on when no one really cares that much about you.

this is DJ Needles signing out, hoping that this blog will go on into eternity, spreading it's messages to every corner of the internet, remember, the centre of 'life' is 'if'.


I come back...come back
you see my return
my returning face is smiling
smile of a waiting man...
I be home soon soon soon
soon cry on your shoulder
your shoulder against my burning tears
tears of a waiting man...

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