Monday, 25 May 2009


DJ Needles back on the box with another post to start this glorious weekend off to a smooth start...

recommeneded listening:OMD

well exams are finally over, and i'm pretty sure everyone has something planned for the weekend. There's not much too talk about really, and i don't feel like waffling on, but i'll try my best...

Alec and Aria have broken up, but the feeling's still 'mutual' whatever that means. This has lead to the usual people hating other people for the break-up and such what-not.

well there's not much else to talk about, so i'll go into some slightly controversial territory, music ownership:

i'm not talking about downloading or purchasing, i'm talking about what you listen to and how you feel about other people listening to that music.

personally i won't take offence if other people begin delving into my musical tastes, i see it as a good thing, gives you something to talk about,it tells you a bit about that person, gives you something you can both relate to.
Music brings people together, but some individuals use it as an oppertunity to cause seperation, they try to shoo people away from 'their' bands, 'their' music, and put people down when they do get start listening. This ownership of music really gets to me, nothing has given you *MASSIVE HEAD-DESK*, oww....

okay, that really had nothing to do with the blog, but it did have it's reasons...

well the message of that interrupted paragraph was trying to stop people thinking muic is their own, it doesn't help anyone...

ending post now, this is DJ Needles signing out, getting dizzy, hurrying up
stay safe people


Enola gay, it shouldnt ever have to end this way
Aha enola gay, it shouldnt fade in our dreams away

Its 8:15, and thats the time that its always been
We got your message on the radio, conditions normal and youre coming home

Enola gay, is mother proud of little boy today
Aha this kiss you give, its never ever gonna fade away

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