Tuesday, 19 May 2009


Good evening loyal fans and whatnot, pull up a chair and get comfy because it's not going to be a very long post tonight.

Recommended Listening: "Do Me A Favour", Arctic Monkeys

Well as most of you should've figured out, it's bloody hard to review things when I'm aiming to please an audience but all I get is MY input for what I should review.

This means as of NOW, I am opening up the Shiny New Talk Box, Needles has so kindly put in, for requests for a review. It can be anything , songs, games, movies, albums, books, even shops or places. Keep in mind I do have a life outside of this and any request on a Game I haven't played or a Book I haven't read will be a long time coming, so don't get your hopes up that I'm going to review Angels and Demons :The Book:The Video Game: etc.

Also slight social update

Alec is a complete douche
Immy is a manipulative bitch
And I have made a vow to not weigh people down with my problems

Thankyou all and Good Morning?

DJ Jwol Out


I, Don't love you
I'm Just passing the Time
You could love me if I knew how to lie
But, who could love me I'm out of my mind?
Throwing a line out to sea...


  1. I actually really enjoyed reading that for some reason. youv'e got yourself a really cool blogging persona

  2. why thankyou sean
    now quit commenting and fucking post once in a while
