Friday, 22 May 2009


Recommended listening...
Addicted - Saving Abel
Numb - Linkin Park
Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin

Because everyone's so psyched up about these exams, I just thought I would provide some (possibly) light-hearted injection of good grammar and well-built blog post into your weekend. Chances are none of you will see this until after the exams, but anyway.

Oh, and by the way, I am now (self-appointed) covering the CO2 car competition, which some of you will know from last year. And year 7, except that really doesn't count because it's too different.

So, this afternoon's post will comprise:




And yes, this could easily be 3 separate posts, but... GTFOverit.



Team Name: Phase Shift - If you have a better one, leave a comment. We're looking for physics related names preferably, though ones that are memorable and give us colour scheme leeway.

Team Members: 

Tim Wilson - Team Manager, Sponsor Associate.
James Telfer - Folio Manager, Manufacturing and Testing.
Marc Jones - Graphics Engineer, Resource and Marketing.
Juliette Davidson - Graphics Designer.
Daniel Taylor - Design Engineer, CAD/CAM Genius.

Apparently, we get extra points for not being sexist and including Jules...
On the downside, that means Miss Collins will take us to whichever comp we get too. I'm not sure about that really. I suppose it's not that bad. She's not actually a bad person, she means well. She's just a little... Incompetent.

Below is a couple of images of our car placed in Virtual Wind Tunnel. It's all I've got right now, I'll put some better ones up when I can.

The car is pretty good design. For those who care, this is F1 VWT on a Coarse Solver, which is why the 'airflow' is going through the spoiler. And everything else for that matter.

The only changes that we want to make are the changing of the angle on said spoiler and changing the configuration of the bottom to stop the air epic vortexing back up those sidepods.
We want to round off the back around the canister so it doesn't vacuum as much there, but that should be less of a problem once the CO2 canister is actually emitting CO2.

Anything else I could tell you?

Well the program above, even though designed specifically for this competition, only works on 5 computers in the school. Very irritating.
And we've done even less work in DT than usual as we go downstairs each lesson and just put the car through VWT and work on our logo, identity and folio design.

At this point, very little has been done. Exams mean free time is at a premium, and the comp is only in Term 3. Nonetheless, as soon as we are through the exams I fully intend to jump on people to get their bits of the folio done.

Anyway, enough on that. For now, anyway. Expect updates as we follow through to world fame.


Yes gentlemen (and ladies, but I'm assuming you don't really care).
There is now Halo Wars DLC. Zomigod.

In fact, I am going to play it. Like, right now.
While you're here, some more recommendations:

Monsters - Matchbook Romance
For all these times, son, for all these times - Lost Prophets.

Now, hold on while I go and test out this new awesomeness.
*Draft Saved at 5:45 PM*
*Returned to computer 6:12 PM*

Quite the epic really. A CTF gametype is amazing, with a sentinel that you kill as the flag, then the killer becomes the flag. You run away and hold the flag for a certain time to score.

A tug of war gametype in which you have to out-strong your opponent's army. The more army you have, the less they have, the closer you are to winning.

And the third is a Reinforcements gametype, where you can only upgrade techs, not build units. At set intervals your current resources are taken and replaced by squads (which squads changes over the course of the game) to the same value. In my third spawn I got 9 warthogs. Lolpwned.

So all in all, it's pretty awesome. It's not groundbreaking, but it fits well with the game and they're fun. I was testing them 1 player so I would withhold judgement until I play with a friend. All games are more fun when you're not loner.


Just to point this out, I came up with this while writing the CO2 car section.

Seriously, what the hell. If any of you were expecting to see any girl on the CO2 list, I'd be surprised. Oh, if you're from Phase Shift it doesn't count.

It's just interesting how much women have become the ones who get the less active jobs and men are the designers, engineers and hard workers. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not putting anyone down here. Society works (to an extent) and this is one of the biggest points in that. Women could easily break this if they wanted. So could men. But we are content to let it lie, because for the people who it might matter to, intellect and common sense and logic tell us that not everyone fits into stereotypes. 

Therefore we are fine with people doing the 'wrong' things. I suppose, to a certain extent, this tolerance spreads to other topics such as homosexuality (now I'm treading carefully), refugees, etc. etc.

Personally I have no problem with this. I try as much as I can not to judge people, certainly not for breaking a stereotype.

Just some food for thought.

On the aside, I'm sure most of you have seen the "maths paper" that says that women are equal to problems. It's quite amusing, go and find it if you haven't.

I'd like to propose that while women are equal to problems (It's true, you  see a guy sad or irritated an it's a 90% chance it's a girl) because they were used in the question, women are also the beginning of all solutions.

Regards and good wishes for the exams,
DJ Trigon.


Desperate, I will crawl
Waiting for so long
No love, there is no love.
Die for anyone
What have I become?

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