Sunday, 17 May 2009


Good evening listeners this is DJ Prodigy here with news from the record, I'd also like to apologies for my recent absence of broadcasts, ill attempt to keep them regular but sadly its not always possible.
Before I get into my general bitching tradition must be followed, so for the sake of that tradition

Recommended Listening: “Scared”-Three Days Grace, Don’t worry listeners even as much as it may seem Three Days Grace has no religious influence, and to point out I will try my best to not recommend any music with religious influences. The songs just something small I was listening to. It’s a good band with only one album, enjoy!
Finally before you read on, I'd also like to point out in this particular rant I was quite tired so be prepared for
1.Terrible Grammar/Punctuation
2.Terrible Spelling
3.Awesome repetitiveness (Its not a rant unless it repeats the same point over and over)
4.Lack of organization... Yes i don't think looking back on it I had too much of an idea of what i am/was talking about.

Fans, I’m sure it has become quite apparent to you that mainstream music strangely enough indicated by the name takes up the majority of the music industry. Furthermore I’m sure you know that its worst than ever, our generation has managed to outdo itself in creating music that is so generic so unoriginal that people are managing to call two songs that are practically the same different genres because one part in that one song he raises his voice an octave higher than the other one. Now I don’t know what your take on this is, but frankly fans, I find this sad.
I find it sad that our musical tastes are becoming so small that we actually reject music that doesn’t follow the simple guidelines of mainstream. Now most of you may be wondering why im ranting about this when most of it is quite a well known fact to you listeners. Well as some of you might have noticed Green Day released a new album “21st Century breakdown”. I personally don’t feel to drawn to Green Day in general but I will admit, some of their older stuff is actually not that bad, and as close as it may have sounded there was a distinctiveness that brought this band away from actually being mainstream. But with this new release another band crumbles into the pit of mainstream leaving less and fewer bands that actually attempt to make “music” rather than regurgitate the same old crap.
This is an epidemic of music, bands are dying another example of this is RHCP, believe it or not there music in the 1980’s and 1990’s was not labelled mainstream but then they released there latest album “Stadium Arcadium” this album is clear proof that RHCP has switched tactics from quality to quantity in a hope that a few of them are ok, there being 40 something songs in total on the “Stadium Arcadium” album, while in the past they’ve released about 12 qualitative songs per album.
I didn’t come here today to yell of a “cure” to the world, just a warning that if we follow this path we will lead to nowhere. When did music stop being as clichéd about as it sounds “about the music” and being replaced with money, there has always been mainstream In the past, an appropriate amount but recently it seems no one’s actually in the business of record making for the fact that there making quality music that people and themselves can enjoy but no instead to make a living off and abuse the already damaged system of mainstream.
I’m sure people will leave here today thinking I’m just bitching about mainstream music and that I should just live with it, but if there is no diversity in music where will we be lead, if there’s no change how will it evolve. So before I leave I ask one thing, go out today to an actual, not or bittorent, CD store and buy something a little bit out there, support your band that chooses to play music the way they choose and not the industry
This is Dj prodigal signing out and wishing you all happy listening, goodnight!
Invaders Must Die
Invaders Must Die
Invaders Must Die
Invaders Must Die
Invaders Must Die
Invaders Must Die

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