Sunday, 3 May 2009


well, it's the morning after i've got and session is commencing over here at office, i'm sorry for leaving you so abruptly last time but since this is a metaphorical radio-show i can't go back and edit what i've written, i just have to go with the flow and publish each post when i finish, no matter what, because otherwise this would all be fake and i wouldn't get any joy out of it.
Stay tuned for a review of Fired Up, and as conpensation for this batant stealing of an idea i recommend you should go tune in to Tpop , this is a larger station which has been broadcasting for almost a year now, there's lots of stuff to read through, i hope you enjoy.

post's recommended reading music: Styx (thankyou Triffin)

OK, first thing to tick off is feedback, thankyou Jack for that comment all comments are good because they give me something to talk about, and another paragraph can't hurt can it?
"did anyone else hear this in a jockey commentators voice?"
two words i have to say about this, probably not. why? because you're probably the only person to have 'heard' the broadcast, spread it round people i'm not doing this for you alone.

well, only one short item of news right now, it seems that things are settling down out there in real life so don't expect too much juicy crap to come raining down any time soon. and now for that review.

Fired Up, a recently released movie directed and co-produced by Will Gluck. this is Will's first attempt at a movie so i'll go easy on him for this piece of crap.
PLOT: two footballers decide to go to a cheerleader camp to get some action. they discover they're good at it and they fall in love, some guys just using a girl that one of the main characters like and it all just follows the basic formula of this type of movie (go for fun > like it > wrongly accused > exiled > save the day)

the acting is below average and the movie hasn't made a profit yet, there's also a plot twist which takes up 10 minutes of movie time, this comes out of nowhwere, includes flashbacks and it doesn't actually lead up to anything; it's this time-wasting over-used device which really gets to me, it seems to be used in most bad movies and it doesn't actually do anything but get a few retards giggling in the front rows.

Well at least there are some good movies coming out in the near-future, you people should go out and see them, take some friends along. Who cares if you've already seen the movie, if your friends want to see it go with them, it's good to get out, do it while you can.

because if everything goes according to plan next month we won't be able to go out in public places and we'll all be stuck inside with our families hiding from the swine-flu. I'll be trying to keep you all up to date on this virus as it spreads it shadow over the Earth.

right now there are 18 countries which definitely have the swine flu within their borders, these countries are:

New Zealand
Costa Rica
South Korea
Hong Kong

there are 25 other countries with suspected swine-flu, including our homeground here in Aus, we currently have 80 suspected cases, this has come down dramatically from previous figures of 130+. Also, Mexico has stopped reporting deaths and suspected cases so there's something dodge going on over there.

Also, so you don't get the wrong info, it has been reported all around that the infection is now spreading from human to human. that's not good news, aslo in the bad news for most things swine-flu-related is the problem that for us down here in the Southern hemisphere is that our flu season is just beginning while in the North it's getting drier and their season is coming to an end.

well, here's where i must end people, go out with friends, it's a good time to. Also, don't get panicE about the swine flu, just stay up to date with it and think logically.

two request of you faithful listeners, please comment on these broadcasts, even a simple "i read this" will be enough feedback for me to make use of, and finally, go forth, out into this crazy world, and listen to music, it brings us together.

This is DJ Needles signing out, stay safe soldier


The jig is up
the news is out
they've finally found me
The renegade who had it made retrieved for a bounty
Never more to go astray
This will be the end today of the wanted man


  1. This is starting to seem a lot like "the boat that rocked"
    i loved that movie
    i heard it in Phillip Seamore Hoffmans voice this time
    him being the fat guy with a beard

  2. also
    next time could you mention me?
