Monday, 18 May 2009


Shoutin out to all you cats is DJ Needles feelin right to begin broadcasting on this fine Monday afternoon.

recommended listening music: Angerfist

OK, today's talk shall be short, and seemingly useless, but it's still a little nudge out the door for most of us.

the next two weeks are going to be quite eventful for most of you, with Exams and Assignments coming up for almost every subject. Now, even though they are just half-yearly exams, and they don't really go towards anything, i believe we should still revise, not so much as to get 90%+ results, but we should take this as an oppertunity to try out some study methods, to see what works for us and what doesn't. No one wants to end up in a School Certificate Exam and then suddenly realise that all those practice essays or mind-maps did jack-shit in sticking in your head.

What i recommend is getting in small 'study groups', and make study notes on one, or a few subjects each, then have a session where you all get together and take turns to explain the notes you have collaborated, this vocal explanation should bury itself your mind and you could even write-out the notes if you really want to make sure, some people like doing practice essays, some people like writing pages and pages of notes, and other people like doing mindmaps, you won't find out what works and what doesn't work for studying until you try it out.

So, there you have it, just a little motivation and inspiration for you to study, don't leave this to last minute (right before SC) cause if you do then your screwed, completely.

This is DJ Needles, *sigh*ning out,
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today, and don't dream of tomorrow


FREAK!Hard to the core
Flat on the floor
Give me some more

MARCH! down the hall
and report to the principal
MARCH! down the hall
and report to the principal

Kill your school books and rules
You're no fool teach us stupid
Ring the bell, ditch this hell

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